Friday, 30 September 2011

Viewpoint: What progress on political reform?

On the eve of the Conservative Party conference, BBC News has today published an overview - they call it a 'viewpoint' - regarding the pace and extent of political reform driven by the Coalition government. Guest written by Douglas Carswell, Tory MP for Clacton and avid blogger (link), the article is somewhat surprisingly and unsparingly critical of efforts to date, if still optimistic the prospects for future reform.

Topics highlighted include:
  • e-petitions - will they ever be properly utilised, or is it simply too dangerous?
  • the role and power of Parliamentary committees
  • the decline of the quango... or not (!)
  • party primaries - as pioneered, and now marginalised, by the Tories themselves
  • the possibility of recall elections promoted by constituents - an idea now fading fast (?)
  • the role of the current Speaker - good, bad or indifferent?
A balanced overview, all in all - definitely worth a close read!

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